Wednesday 21st November

We came to Amherst not knowing anybody, but leave behind a group of lovely new friends who have made our stay memorable – what more needs to be said?  Thankyou Amherst!!!
We picked up our hire car in Moncton and drove over the Confederation Bridge to our next stop, the home of ATC members, Carl and Vivien Wright in Summerside, the second city in Prince Edward Island.  The bridge is 12.9 km long and is the longest bridge in the world over ice covered water.  It seemed to go on forever and just as we thought we were at the finish, another part came into view.  It is not easy to see anything from the bridge in a car as there are large jersey barriers on each side which blocked our view.
After meeting our hosts and dropping off our bags we headed into Summerside to have some dinner at Gentleman Jim’s before coming back and tucking into bed for an early night.