Tuesday 21st August
After some prolonged farewells we departed Deniliquin for our destination tonight, Bethungra Dam, a free camping spot found in our book.  On the way we stopped at Berrigan to enjoy morning tea, and our neighbours from last night were doing the same – can’t escape can we?

We saw many acres of rice being grown – this was the first time we had seen it and again had to confess to not knowing how it grows nor how it is harvested.  The neighbour in Berrigan told us it is much like wheat, in that the stalk produces the grain. 

In conjunction with the rice were many paddocks of canola, I would guess very close to being harvested.  The yellow flower was like a wide carpet spread across the landscape and provided a beautiful contrast to the lush green of the rice.
We had to drive 6km along unsealed road to access Bethungra Dam, but the means justified the ends.  
We had the spot to ourselves, there was a wonderful view over the dam, the birdlife serenaded us and we had our final fire for the trip.  I cooked a sweet damper which gave supper an added dimension.

This now concludes our South Australian trip in the caravan.  We are now home for a few weeks until I take off on a cruise with two school friends from primary school. In fact we began our schooling on the same day so we go back a few decades.  This trip is celebrating a significant birthday year for us all and the excitement and anticipation is palpable.
Upon my return Bob and I head to Canada taking in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island before spending three weeks in Washington DC.
The blog will resume from 1st November while we are in the northern hemisphere.