Friday 20th July
Today was designated to tackle a longer walk, and while the brochure indicated it was a 5 km return walk, we both believe it was 5 km each way – someone is foxing us!! 

Whatever the distance we found this walk to be one with so many changes in vegetation and groundcover.  

At one stage we were rock hopping and not far after that a long sandy stretch awaited us. 

A few weeks ago we learned of a lantana vine which is choking the gums and while this blue flower looks innocuous, we believe it is the flower of the lantana and we could see the dead gum beneath its clutches.

A spider web caught our attention, still glistening in the morning sun looking so perfect.

After our walk we were quite spent, so we used the afternoon to catch up on housekeeping, pedicures, bush showers and I finished reading my latest book, “The Lightkeeper’s Wife” by Karen Viggers.  It was a captivating read and was hard to release the book once I had started.
You can see what we did for the evening entertainment until the rain forced us indoors.