Friday 29th June

Today we took the easy way out in exploring Broken Hill, and purchased a little booklet which took us on a self drive tour.  Along the way some of the notable places were the spot where on New Year’s Day 1915, two men flying a Turkish flag atop an ice-cram cart attacked a picnic train on the outskirts of Broken Hill. A gun battle later took place and both attackers were shot dead. Four other people were killed and seven wounded. These men were former camel drivers working at Broken Hill and were identified as Gool Mohamed an ice cream vendor and Mulla Abdulla, a local halal butcher, both known around town.

Next stop was to take photos of some murals which depicted the roles of volunteers and community life in Outback NSW.  These speak for themselves.
Naturally this drive took us via many significant older homes, churches, schools, and the mining sites. 

A magnet drew us once again to Bell’s Milk Bar for another and hopefully final indulgence. Bob enjoyed a sarsparella and lemon spider, while I chose the Turkish Delight milkshake. The place was packed with patrons and one could be forgiven if they thought they were in a pub – except there was very little noise.