Friday 6th July

Blinman was reached by taking the rig over 32km of unsealed rough road.  It took us about 1 ¾ hours to reach this previously vibrant little old copper mining town, however the views were stunning and we both knew the slow trek had been worth the time.
We found Blinman to have a walk which took in quite a large hill with a cairn at the summit.  You can just see the dot on this photo which is the cairn. 
It was a funny situation as we knew there was a descriptive walk guide and available from the pub, the café or the shop (the only 3 working businesses in town).  But they all sent us to the other saying they had none left!!  

By the time I did track one down we had finished our walk, congratulated ourselves heartily and were ready to move to our destination for the night, Wilpena Pound Resort. (Resort you say? – Yes they cater for everyone – campers, caravanners, motel units, permanent type tents and all others in between).
We could only get into a non-powered site and as generators were not permitted in a National Park, we could see that water bottles would have to be employed over the electric blanket for the next 3 nights.  The lady at reception did murmur that the temperature the previous night was minus something  - oh well we are here to rough it occasionally I suppose.