Monday 3rd December
Two years ago we were in a home exchange only about 8 miles from here, so today we wanted to re-visit that area to reminisce and remember.  A great food shop called Whole Foods is in the area and I wanted to go and re-capture all the smells and look at the fantastic display of so many whole, organic and fresh foods (

We were not disappointed and while there I tried a spiced pumpkin latte – sounds very strange, however it was quite palatable and the pumpkin was heavily disguised. I bought a carton of egg nog, so this will be a nice little nightcap I think.

From here we drove to Tysons Corner Centre, the fifth largest shopping centre in the USA.  There are quite a number of similar franchised shops with which I am familiar and if the name is not the same, then the service type certainly is similar.  Bob had bought some very long wearing socks from Macey’s during our previous visit, so he stocked up again today.  We both had a play in a Microsoft shop which are structured in a comparable way to Apple stores.
I have been researching how we will spend the next few weeks here and so far have found a few events in the local paper, one being a performance by the high school of Les Miserables on Saturday afternoon, and the Eastern Markets on Sunday which apparently has a flea market along with fresh fruit and vegetable sales.  I’ll report on both after the events.
While doing a reasonable size grocery shop today at Giant, I used my newly acquired discount card for that store and managed to save $20!!  There are so many grocery items which are subject to a discount by presenting the card that it would be foolhardy not to have one here (