Wednesday 12th December
Another day to explore more of this lovely city.  We have been so fortunate to date in that the weather has been very favourable and we only have to check the forecast and dress accordingly.  There has been no rain at all to prevent us from getting out and walking, and I would say without hesitation that this is a city where walking and the enjoyment of doing so is a necessary pre-requisite.

Mount Vernon was the destination and this meant catching the usual Metro past the city and then boarding a suburban bus to taking us to this site which was the home for 40 years of George and Martha Washington, the first President of the USA. Despite long absences for military and public service, Washington expanded his plantation from 2000 to 8000 acres and the mansion house from six rooms to twenty-one.
We were able to tour the house (no photos allowed in the house) and many of the dozen outbuildings as well as the tomb of Washington and his wife, 
a memorial to the slaves who worked on the estate and one particular photo of the “necessary” – which was an outside toilet. 

I am putting some photos here from inside the house taken from the internet as I don’t want to forget the gawdy colours which the guide told us were definitely chosen by Washington, not them!! 

We finished the night eating a freshly cooked lobster. I pointed to the tank, the shop assistant took it out, weighed it and told me to come back in 10 minutes and collect it all cooked and ready.  I must say it was delicious and we extracted every bit of flesh from the claws and legs too.